Yvorne Grand Cru 1998

Yvorne Grand Cru 1998

Yvorne Grand Cru 1998
Yvorne Grand Cru 1998

Yvorne Grand Cru 1998

Yvorne Grand Cru 1998
Yvorne Grand Cru 1998

Details Yvorne Grand Cru 1998

Country: Switzerland
Region: Waadt
Vineyard: Château Maison Blanche S.A. 🔗

Bottle size: 0.75l (Standard)
Number of bottles: 1

Auction number: 01443 🔗
Start price: CHF 6.00 (incl. VAT)
Auction ended on: 2020-10-26 10:53:02
Final price (incl. VAT)
CHF 21.00


Into Neck (IN)

Label with slight tracks of cellar dust

Without capsule